
My Roommate Sucks

Last night I woke up at 4 in the morning, having to get up at 9, to him trying to drunkingly record a rap song with like 10 other people over. There are 7 people he left sitting in my living room right now while he dipped for an hour to some slutty girl's place to get a BJ, one of whom is a 30 year old loser with a penchant for uncomfortable rape jokes. Wtf.

1 comment:

  1. Why does this sound sooo familiar?

    I keep thinking of those painfully awkward parties that Aaron threw at his apartment, you know, with his "other friends" that us scenesters were too good for?

    And the mention of that 30 year old made me think of that uncomfortable few minutes that Ezikiel (or however the fuck you spell his name) threatened me for choking emily.

    I'm sure there's a situation more similar that I can't recall exactly, but yeah, reading that was way relatable for some reason.
